Rencontres de Huy

The 32nd edition of the Rencontres de Théâtre Jeune Public in Huy will take place from 17 to 24 August 2016. This year, renown and less known artists and companies from the TYA sphere will present 36 shows from the French-speaking Community. This event is a crucial moment for all companies from the French-speaking Community, […]

Announcements on website

We are happy to communicate open calls, job offers … of our members on the website … Please send calls for collaboration, vacancies etc. to We also encourage festival organizers to send us the info about their festival! Image: Un truc super – Compagnie de la Casquette

OPEN CALL – Showcase festival IPAY – Wisconsin

Until 12 May, companies working for young audiences can register for the IPAY Showcase, a yearly event organized by IPAY (International Performing Arts for Youth). The 2017 Showcase will take place from 17-21 January 2017 in Madison, Wisconsin. The programme will consist of performances, networking and reflection moments, spotlights … and reaches almost 500 visitors […]

Appel à candidatures – formation

German version: see below Appel à candidatures – Deux places réservés pour les artistes résidant en Belgique ! Labo Pro – ASSITEJ Luxemburg ‘L’acteur face à l’objet’ – Laboratoire avec Agnès Limbos Formation pour artistes formés dans différents domaines des arts de la scène et pour pédagogues de théâtre 27 – 30 Juni 2016 aux Rotondes […]

World Day of Theatre for Children

On Sunday 20 March, we celebrate World Day of Theatre for Children and Young People. This day connects artists and other theatre professionals around the globe through an advocacy campaign based on the message ‘Take A Child To The Theatre’. Since 2001, each year there has been a World Day message written by a different […]

Showcase ASSITEJ Netherlands

On 3, 4 and 5 September 2016, our colleagues from ASSITEJ Netherlands will be organising a Dutch Showcase programme. The theme is ‘The City in all its Diversity’. The programme will consist of encounters and a selection of Dutch theatre productions for young audiences. It will take place in different locations in Amsterdam (with theatre […]

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