Letsema! / Collaborate! – an intercultural exploration of ‘theatricality’ for young audiences.
ASSITEJ South Africa and ASSITEJ Belgium join forces to facilitate research opportunities and international collaboration in theatre for young audiences for artists interested in cross-cultural exchange. The Cradle ReWired project will explore: How work may be presented in real life, using innovative means, and when audiences are not able to engage normally with theatre/theatre spaces.
The programme will happen through digital engagement and mutual exploration between paired artists from South Africa and Belgium.
The project will examine the notion of “theatricality” and what components are needed or invented to bring an audience into a theatrical experience, and when some or all of the usual theatre elements may not be possible. It will provide insights into the realities within which artists live and work within their paradigms, and in so doing, broaden the scope for possibilities within the work itself.
The project hopes to foster innovation and dynamic exchange and support the creation of new work using new methodologies and approaches, which will allow audiences in Belgium and South Africa to access the arts.
The application process will take place in three rounds.
- 3 September: Networking event – rewatch it on our Facebookpage.
8=> 13 September, 13:00 CET: Application deadline, Round 1; 30 artists selected- September-October: Participation in Cradle ReWired conversations
- 15 November: selection of 12 artists in Round 2;
- November – January: Research and development phase
- 15 January: Application deadline for Round 3; 3/4 artists selected
- 4 February: Announcement of selected production/productions
- February – July: Production phase
- August: Presentation at Cradle of Creativity 2022
Round 1: Networking and Learning Process
- Launch of call: 11 August 2021
- Networking Event: 3 September 2021
- Application deadline for participation:
Wednesday 8 September 2021 (23h59)extended to: Monday September 13 at 13:00 CET
All interested Artists (Assitej SA members) apply to join a process of collective learning and networking. Up to 30 applicants (15 from each country) can take place in this initial step. This is an invitation for artists to join several events during ASSITEJ SA’s virtual programme. Cradle ReWired 2021 (September – October) to get to know each other’s audiences and artistic realities.
The participants will not receive a fee for their participation, but they will receive support for data access.
The events include the launch event to share artistic realities and responses to social circumstances, 3 international conversations between artists and young audiences in South Africa and Belgium around shared productions; 1 discussion between the concerned artists from the participating productions; 3 matchmaking workshops to share ideas for research and to create pairs or groups with each other on Mondays 11, 18 and 25 October, times to be advised.
Who can apply?
- Artists working in South Africa (Members of Assitej SA) or Belgium (Flemish and/or French-speaking)
- Artists who are interested in making theatre for young audiences.
How to apply?
Round 1: Submit a short pitch within the application form. Applications need to be in English. You will need to answer the following questions:
- Your biography (max. 100 words)
- What motivates you to create work for children and young people (max. 250 words)
- What is the idea, proposal or initiative you wish to propose? (max. 400 words)
- How does this idea fit within your artistic practice? (max. 250 words)
- Upload an image appropriate to your concept, proposal or initiative.
- Upload a profile picture.
Round 2: Selection and Refinement process
From the original 30 artists, we will select 12 artists to refine their ideas further in pairs or trios. Each participating artist will receive a fee of 500 euros for their participation in this stage.
Artists will work in their own time between November and January on developing and refining their proposals further, to apply for a production fee and presentation at Cradle of Creativity (at the Market Theatre, South Africa, August 2022).
- Registration of Partnership: 30 October 2021
- Announcement of outcomes: 15 November 2021
- Deadline for final proposals from the 12 artists (4-6 projects): 15 January 2022.
Who can apply?
- Artists who are selected for Round 1, will find matches through the process, and become paired up in international collaboration (either as a duo, trio, or collective)
How to apply?
- Submit a detailed proposal of your collaborative idea, including budget and other possible (international) partnerships.
Round 3: Production process
Announcement of successful collaborations: 4 February 2022
There will be either ONE tri-cultural winning collaboration (including South African, Flemish- and French-speaking Belgian artists), or TWO strong proposals (a collaboration between an artist from SA + Flanders and one from SA + Wallonia).
Artists will receive a budget of up to 12 000 euros to present their collaboration at the festival, and/or in their respective countries.
Presentation and Reflection: August 2022
The resulting collaborations are showcased at the Cradle of Creativity, Market Theatre, South Africa, either as a production/event or as a presentation about the production/event, which may have happened between March and August in the participating countries.
All participants from previous rounds are welcome to attend and engage further in the intercultural conversation.