ASSITEJ Belgium a le regret de vous informer que Anne Beaujeant est décédée. Anne était chargée de diffusion pour différentes compagnies belges francophones et était membre individuel de l’ASSITEJ Belgium. Elle était convaincue de la nécessité du rapprochement culturel entre les communautés linguistiques de Belgique. Elle était déjà présente lors de la première réunion sur […]
Call for artists: PUSH+ FAILURE LAB
In September 2019 the second PUSH+ artistic research lab will take place in Hasselt. PUSH+ is a Creative Europe-funded project led by Imaginate (Scotland) and Krokusfestival (Belgium), The Ark (Ireland), Aaben Dans (Denmark), Scenekunstbruket (Norway) and associate partner Bangkok International Children’s Theatre Festival (Thailand). It is aimed at stimulating European dialogue and initiating new artistic […]
Theatertaxi #1 | Taxi-Théâtre #1
Call for performances – Visioni di futuro, visioni di teatro… 2020
Visioni di futuro, visioni di teatro… is an international theatre festival for early years hosted by La Baracca – Testoni Ragazzi in Bologna. Is is visited each year by companies and performing arts programmers from all over the world and offers an extensive professional programme. The next edition of the festival will be held from 28 February to 8 […]
National Gathering – 24.05.2019 – Charleroi
NL — Met de National Gatherings biedt ASSITEJ Belgium ruimte aan professionelen actief in de podiumkunsten voor kinderen en jongeren om kennis en ervaring rond specifieke thema’s met elkaar te delen. | FR — Avec ses National Gatherings, ASSITEJ Belgium offre un espace aux professionnels des arts de la scène jeune public pour partager leurs connaissances et expériences sur des thèmes spécifiques.
ASSITEJ International Artistic Gathering 2019: Participation belge | Belgische deelname
FR — La Rencontre artistique annuelle de l’ASSITEJ International aura lieu en 2019 pendant le festival SAND à Kristiansand (Norvège). Du 2 au 7 septembre, outre la programmation des spectacles, des professionnels du monde entier s’y réuniront pour échanger autour des arts de l’enfance, lors d’ateliers, de cours, de conférences, de débats et d’événements de réseautage. | NL — De jaarlijkse Artistic Gathering van ASSITEJ International vindt in 2019 plaats tijdens het SAND festival in Kristiansand (Noorwegen). Van 2 tot 7 september zullen professionelen uit de hele wereld daar samenkomen voor uitwisseling op het vlak van de kinderkunsten tijdens workshops, lezingen, debatten en netwerkmomenten en voor het artistieke programma voor jong publiek.
Call for artists – Labo Pro 2019 – Rotondes Luxembourg
The Rotondes in Luxembourg are looking for participants in the 4th edition of the Labo Pro, their annual masterclass for professional performers, directors, drama teachers … having a specific interest in working for and with young audiences. This year’s coach will be Johan De Smet, the artistic director of the Ghent-based arts centre for young people […]
International Dance Congress for Young Audiences – Granada
ASSITEJ Spain and the Young Dance Network are organising the first International Dance Congress for Young Audiences, which will be held from 5 to 7 July 2019 during the Granada International Festival of Music and Dance. The three-day programme of shows, workshops and meetings is aimed at increasing the visibility of dance for children and […]
Call for performances – Mafuwe International Festival of Dance
From 16 to 18 August 2019, the Mafuwe International Festival of Dance in Harare (Zimbabwe) will bring together artists from all over the world to create a network for dance. The festival is looking for professional dance productions from African countries as well as performances by African dancers or choreographers living in other continents and other […]
Call for performances − Take Part in Art 2019
For the 4th edition of the international theatre festival for early years Take Part in Art, which will take place between September and December 2019, the Teatr Małego Widza in Warsaw is looking for theatre, dance and musical productions for children aged 1 to 6. The performances will be presented to family audiences and school and […]