From 2 to 7 September, the ASSITEJ Artistic Gathering will take place during the SAND festival in Kristiansand (Norway). Once a year, ASSITEJ International organizes such a meeting for its members from all over the world. The gathering is designed to stimulate and encourage artistic activity and exchange. It is the perfect occasion for professionals working in theatre for young audiences to meet, collaborate and share. The gathering will be a combination of shows, workshops, seminars and networking opportunities. You can find a provisional professional programme here. The central theme of the 2019 gathering will be ‘Towards the Unknown – Confronting the Present’. ASSITEJ Belgium will offer 3 young artists the opportunity to be present during the gathering.
- You are a performing arts professional working in Belgium.
- You have a specific interest in theatre for young audiences.
- You are not older than 35.
- You are available from 2 to 7 September 2019 (outward journey on 2 September and homeward journey on 7 September).
- You are fluent in English.
- You are willing to report and communicate about the meeting via blogposts, Instagram, YouTube or another channel (to be discussed).
- A festival pass which will give you access to shows, meetings and workshops
- Accommodation for 5 nights
- Transport from Brussels to Kristiansand and back
- Meals for 5 days
- A perfect opportunity to meet interesting new people from all over the world, to participate in the artistic encounters, to immerse yourself in the festival and to discover what ASSITEJ is all about
Not included: personal costs and local transport
How to apply?
Send your CV and motivation to participate, including your ideas for reporting on the gathering, to on Friday 3 May 2019 at the latest. The board members of ASSITEJ Belgium will select 3 candidates who can participate in the gathering. Candidates will be informed about the selection on 9 May 2019.
With the support of