Krokusfestival 2018

The 21st edition of the Krokusfestival takes place in Hasselt from 9-15 February. It is a platform for the development of relationships and co-productions, a showcase of work-in-progress, a stage for new works, an exuberant meeting place (for professionals)!   There will be an international visitors programme in cooperation with the Flanders Arts Institute, with a focus on international collaboration between Flanders and […]

Small Size Days: 26-28 January 2018

During the last weekend of January (26-28th January 2018), the Small Size Network organises an annual celebration of performing arts for early years. Three days during which, in cities across Europe (from Helsinki to Madrid, from London to Salzburg, from Bucharest to Charleroi…) activities dedicated to children of this age group will be organised simultaneously, […]

Call for papers – International TYA Critics & Researchers Forum

The 5th International Theatre for Children and Young People Researchers and Critics Forum will take place in Buenos Aires City, Argentina from 17th to 21st September 2018. This conference is organised by ATINA, in collaboration with the AINCRIT and ITYARN. Titles and abstracts must be sent before March 1st 2018 to with a maximum of 200 words. Once the abstract […]

Report National Gathering 2017

ASSITEJ Belgium’s National Gathering took place on Wednesday October 11th at hetpaleis as a part of the Mind the World festival. We held a mini conference on what it means to work with and for refugees in theatre for young audiences. On this occasion, our guest speakers were Myvell Seddik (Action For Hope, Egypt), Mulanga Nkolo (KunstZ, Antwerp) and Şaziye Dağyapan […]

Call for projects – Variété Hablingbo in Sweden (Gotland)

The Swedish Variété Hablingbo on the island Gotland is organizing an open call for projects by young multidisciplinary artists. The participants should be willing to create an unprecedented project and will be offered a three-week residency and financial support of 15 000 €. Read the entire call here: EN / FR. The application deadline is before December 10th 2017 […]

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