In 2017, ASSITEJ Belgium will organise a number of activities. On Friday 28 April, you are welcome to join us on a bus trip to Liège and Sankt Vith. We will visit Les Ateliers de la Colline (Seraing) and AGORA Theater (Sankt Vith), where we will watch the show Kartoffelsuppe (Aardappelsoep), a coproduction of AGORA […]
Membership 2017
In the month of March, you will receive the invoice for your membership of this year. During the general assemblee in June 2016, it was decided that the membership fee is 200 euros for companies whose yearly turnover and subventions are higher than 250.000 euros. Companies with a turnover and subventions of less than 250.000 […]
Registrations for World Congress open
The ASSITEJ Cradle of Creativity (16-27 May) comprises a Festival, a Conference and a World Congress, all dedicated to theatre for young audiences. The multi-layered event is hosted by ASSITEJ South Africa, and will take place in Cape Town at multiple venues. In partnership with the National Arts Council of South Africa, this will be […]
World Day of Theatre for Children
The challenge to artists and to arts activists is to ensure that all adults with the power to #Takeachildtothetheatretoday understand their responsibility to the child who might never encounter live theatre without their intervention and work as hard for all children to be theatrically literate as they do for them to be able to read […]
Open call – masterclass with Kjell Moberg
From 26 to 30 June 2017, Rotondes (Luxembourg) is organizing a masterclass for artists with Kjell Moberg, artistic director of the company New International Encounter – NIE (Norway). 3 artists will receive a grant to participate in the workshop. The workshop is based on NIE’s ways of working, through movement and play. Physical presence and […]
Call for performances – Turkish festival for young audiences
Turkish State Theaters and Antalya State Theater are delighted to announce that applications are now open for the 8th annual Antalya International Theater Festival, which will take place from 17 May to 27 May 2017. Antalya International Theater Festival organized by Turkish State Theaters – The National Theater of Turkey – is a 10-day and […]
Call for performances – Serbian festival for young audiences
Subotica International Children’s Theatre Festival is announcing an open call for participation in the competition programme of the 24th Festival edition, which is going to be held 24 – 30 September 2017. All professional puppet and children’s theatres, as well as all those professional theatres which have performances for children in their repertoire,* are invited […]
Open call – Delhi International Children’s Festival
For the 15th edition of the Delhi International Children’s Festival, groups are invited to apply with a show. The festival is organised by the Ryan Foundation in Delhi, India, from 14th to 17th December 2017. The festival will be a blend of performances, interactive events and workshops that will celebrate diversity. Drama, dance, puppetry and […]
Happy New Year!
We wish all our members a wonderful 2017, with a lot of interesting encounters, beautiful projects and loads of inspiration! As ASSITEJ Belgium, we wish to encourage exchange and collaborations as much as possible. Therefore, we will organise a number of activities in 2017. More info in the next newsletter! Image: Petites Furies – Le […]
Dates – ASSITEJ World Congress
ASSITEJ South Africa will host the ASSITEJ World Congress and Performing Arts Festival in Cape Town, South Africa from 17 – 27 May 2017. This will be the first ASSITEJ World Congress to be held on the African continent. Registration for the Congress will be open at the end of January 2017, with Early Bird […]