Upside Down World Day of Theatre for Young Audiences

Each year on 20 March, the worldwide ASSITEJ network celebrates the World Day of Theatre for Children and Young People, using the slogan #takeachildtothetheatre. Since this year’s campaign has been launched, much has changed. In many parts of the world it is not practical, possible or advised to take children to the theatre, and many children will be spending days indoors.

Read the message by ASSITEJ International president Yvette Hardie about the World Day of Theatre for Children and Young People 2020 and the impact of the coronavirus.

As a response to the Covid-19 pandemic, a group of ASSITEJ centres has created the Upside Down World Day of Theatre for Young Audiences. The catchphrase is: ‘Take the Theatre to a Child, Today’. Put a video of your performance for children or teenagers, a podcast, an improvisation game, … online and post it in the Upside Down World Day Facebook event to share it with audiences and colleagues all over the world! #takethetheatretoachild

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